Thursday, October 25, 2007

Be Quiet

I rolled my eyes and closed the book, letting it drop from my hands. God was once again reminding me of something I needed to be doing....that I was not.


Is it just me or does time seem to move more quickly with each passing year? Perhaps, more tasks are asked of me to complete at work...perhaps, I'm not using my time wisely.....I don't know. What I do know is there never seems to be enough time to accomplish all the things I want to do in my day.

Someone once told me, among other things, to be quiet. The quiet she was referring to had nothing to do with me speaking to her....she was talking about being quiet in God's presence...listening to what He has to say to me. I used to do that all the time...even before she said those words. It was a regular part of my prayer time. Now, it seems that WAY too often I come to God, say what's on my mind, and go on about my day, praying that He will bless it....without taking much time to listen to what He might want to say to me.

The book I picked up (with the hope that God would speak to me somehow)....was one that I decided to open up to a few random pages. (It was late, after all, and I, of course, was in a hurry....not much time, you know!) The last page I looked at...the one that I rolled my eyes at...spoke of, not only praying, but listening to God. I rolled my eyes, not because of the message, but because I have been so slow to "get" the message. God has brought the words that were said to me about being quiet to my remembrance several times in the last couple of months. and yet I am slow to "get it". I mean, I understand that I need to listen to God....I even realize that because of my busy schedule that there will rarely just BE time to listen to Him; I have to MAKE the time to do that. The thing I've been slow to "get" is just putting that into practice. I, too often, wait until the end of my day (when I'm worn out and exhausted) to try to hear what God is saying to me, but by then....well, I'm too tired to do much listening.

God is happy to listen to all that we say to Him. He WANTS us to go to Him with our concerns, our needs, and our requests....but along with that, sometimes we just need to remember to be quiet and listen.

At least I know I do.