Sunday, February 17, 2008

Go Mets!

He was known as "The Sign Man"....had attended Mets games for years...held up block-lettered signs proclaiming his joy or displeasure at the game at hand. He was just an ordinary man, but he was so passionate about what he did that when he passed away a short while ago, newspapers carried his story.

He did what he did well....and people noticed.

People notice what you do, too.

They notice what you say when you're talking with others and how you handle difficult situations you encounter. They notice the type of jokes you laugh at and whether or not you talk about people behind their backs. They notice if you're a genuine person or if you change who you are according to the group of people you're with. And they notice how loving and patient you are....or aren't.

All through the day, people are watching the actions and reactions of the people they come into contact with.

What will they notice when they see you?

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control...." Gal. 5:22

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Friends in Unlikely Places

"She met her husband online," my friend at work said.

"You're kidding," I replied.

I had only been on the internet a relatively short time when that conversation took place and I was very skeptical of people getting to know others in that fashion. I mean, I had always heard these horror stories about things that happened to people who actually met up with others they had talked to online.

So I was a little apprehensive as I approached the group that walked through the theatre doors in Chicago.

"Excuse me...are you ____ and ____?" I asked tentatively.

...Well, they were who I thought they were and we talked for a few minutes. Then we went to our seats in different locations of the theatre.

Later, I had the pleasure of speaking more with them and meeting others in our group (in that city and at other times and places as well) who had talked together online. And I have to say, they are a GREAT group of people!! We laugh together, talk on the phone together, pray for one another, discuss what's happening in our lives with each other....basically do all the things you'd do with a friend in your own town except call them up and ask them to go to dinner that night. (But we do call each other and set up times to meet together in a particular city and we share dinner then!!...and lots of laughs!!)

This past weekend, I was supposed to meet up with a few of my friends in New York City. Unfortunately, I was sick and wasn't able to make it. But I had plenty of texts and phone calls from them. And as I sit here writing this now, I kinda feel a little like I was actually there with them the past couple of days!!

Thanks for letting me share NYC with you all this weekend! It was fun!!

And thanks to God for the blessing of all my friends I've met on the internet.....friends that God brought into my a most unlikely place!!

Friday, February 1, 2008


I went to a taping of a sitcom several years ago. The show was funny--the stars just people like you and me. Later, I felt impressed to write to one of them. Tell her about Jesus. How He can fill the gaps of loneliness, be your best friend....give you strength, love you like no one else can.

Oh, but I questioned. Me? Write to someone in Hollywood? I don't know her. How do I know the letter will reach her? Would it even make a difference?

I didn't write the letter.

A few years later, I learned that at the time I felt impressed to write, this person was going through one of her darkest times. Depressed. Didn't really care about living.

"Oh Lord, I failed. Maybe you were going to use me to reach her for You... and now the opportunity is gone. I should have realized that You could have made sure she got the letter if that was Your will. And as for it making a difference, it is not my words, but Your Spirit that does the work. I am only a vessel. Forgive me, Lord. Help me be ready the next time You give me the privilege of being used for You."

Is there anybody God has put on your heart that you need to talk to or write to?

Anybody you need to tell about Jesus?