Wednesday, December 19, 2012

26 Faces

I was, as was the world, deeply saddened by the events that took place recently in Connecticut.   My thoughts and prayers are with all those touched by what happened last week.

26 Faces

I see 26 faces staring at me
Beautiful smiles, bright eyes I see
So precious to loved ones--sweet memory
These 26 faces kind and lovely

My heart often thinks of these I never knew
Taken too soon; what can the world do?
Honor them; pray all their families through
Show love and compassion; that's what we can do

Hold friends and family closer today
Help where there's need without delay
Take time right now for kind words to say
Don't wait any longer; speak your love today

I see 26 faces staring at me
Beautiful smiles, bright eyes I see
So precious to loved ones--sweet memory
These 26 faces kind and lovely

So precious to loved ones--sweet memory

We all will remember the faces we see


Monday, November 5, 2012

In the Middle

I love words.  Sometimes I hear or read a certain word or phrase and it gets stuck in my head.  I think about it; mull over it--most of the time without even meaning to.  Today was one of those days.  A sister in Christ wrote about how she wasn't thrilled to be sitting in the middle on a particular flight she was taking. 

In the middle.

When I read those three words, they seemed to jump off the page at me.

I kept going over them in my mind. 

I got my Bible...looked online...and here's what I found.

Jesus was often in the middle.

When the disciples were on a boat in a storm, Jesus went out into the middle of the sea. 

The Gospel of Mark says, "When it was evening, the boat was in the middle of the sea, and He was alone on the land.  Seeing them straining at the oars, for the wind was against them, at about the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea.... He spoke with them and said to them, "Take courage; it is I, do not be afraid.”  Mark 6:47, 48, 50

Jesus intentionally put Himself in the middle of the sea.  "He came to them."  Once there, He comforted the disciples.  Is there anyone or any circumstance you need to put yourself in the middle of in order to bring encouragement or comfort to those around you? 

Jesus is there in the midst of our difficult times.  When the winds of adversity blow against us, Jesus will be there to help us through.  When we are afraid, He will be there to give us courage.

After Jesus had been crucified, two disciples were going to Emmaus.  As they walked along, Jesus joined them and began talking to them.  They didn't know it was Jesus at first.  When they recognized who He was, Jesus disappeared.  The two disciples went back to Jerusalem and told the apostles and others who had gathered there what had happened.  

Luke 24:36  "While the two followers were telling this, Jesus himself stood right in the middle of them and said, "Peace be with you."

Jesus, in the middle again.  I'm so glad he shows up.  I need His peace and reassurance.

John 7:14 says  "About the middle of the feast Jesus went up into the temple and began teaching." 

Some people believed in Jesus. Some wanted to arrest Him.  He taught anyway.  He was in the middle of the feast, doing the Father's business.  Sometimes we may need to be in the middle doing the Father's business.

Even when some may stand against us. 

Even when it is not the easiest thing to do. 

The Bible doesn't use the words "in the middle" in the next three stories, but Jesus, again, shows up in the middle. 

 In the middle of a wedding, when the wine runs out, Jesus performs a miracle by turning water into wine.  (John 2)

In the middle of a crowd, a woman desperate to be healed touches Jesus' garment and is made well.  (Mark 5)

In the middle of a crowd's walk out of a city to bury a boy, the only son of a widow, Jesus goes to the coffin and raises the boy from the dead.   (Luke 7) 

And another time, Jesus, in the most loving act of all, while giving His life for us that we might have eternal life, was also in the middle. 

"There they crucified Him, and with Him two others--one on each side and Jesus in the middle."  (John 19:18) 

I'm so grateful that Jesus loved us so much that He would die for us.  Whoever you are.. whoever is reading this...Jesus loves you, too.  If you don't know Him, ask Him to make Himself real to you.  Talk to Him.  Check out the Bible.   He is real.  He will change your life. 

And whatever circumstance you're in the middle of today...

an illness


job search



relationship difficulty

a happy-no-problem kind of day


Please know that Jesus is there, in the middle of it, with you. 

He loves you.   He will walk through everything with you.

And, to my sister in Christ, stuck in the middle of a place you don't want to be...know that you will be lifted in prayer...and that Jesus will be with you all the way..

every mile...

right there...

in the middle. 


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Harvest Crusade

Hi Everyone!  Harvest Crusade is tonight and tomorrow in Anaheim, California.  If you live in the area, head on over!  If not in the area, you can view the Crusade online.  Just go to
Some great bands will be taking part and then there will be a message by Greg Laurie.  Please join us in person or online! 

Have a great day!