Wednesday, December 19, 2012

26 Faces

I was, as was the world, deeply saddened by the events that took place recently in Connecticut.   My thoughts and prayers are with all those touched by what happened last week.

26 Faces

I see 26 faces staring at me
Beautiful smiles, bright eyes I see
So precious to loved ones--sweet memory
These 26 faces kind and lovely

My heart often thinks of these I never knew
Taken too soon; what can the world do?
Honor them; pray all their families through
Show love and compassion; that's what we can do

Hold friends and family closer today
Help where there's need without delay
Take time right now for kind words to say
Don't wait any longer; speak your love today

I see 26 faces staring at me
Beautiful smiles, bright eyes I see
So precious to loved ones--sweet memory
These 26 faces kind and lovely

So precious to loved ones--sweet memory

We all will remember the faces we see
