Monday, November 19, 2007

It Only Takes a Little

I was recently reading the story in the Bible about Jesus feeding five thousand people. There was a great crowd gathered that had been following Jesus. When He asked the disciples about feeding them, one of the disciples told Jesus that a boy in the crowd had five loaves of bread and two fish. Soon after that, you read that Jesus gave thanks and passed out the bread and fish to the people. They even had leftovers!

I started thinking about the boy in the story...the one who had the bread and the fish. It doesn't say that the boy wanted to keep the bread and fish for doesn't say that he didn't want to share what he had with doesn't say that the child whined and complained about giving up his food....the Bible doesn't really say anything about the boy other than that he was the one who had the bread and fish. But we know that he gave it to be used because Jesus gave thanks to God for it and the disciples passed the food out to the people. And it got me thinking....the boy was willing to give the little he had....willing to let it be used....and Jesus was able to multiply it into so much more.

So it is with us....we may feel we only have a little to give....a little time, a little money, a little encouragement....we may feel that the way we serve at church or in another place is only a little job....but in Jesus' hands it can become so much more....our "little" can be a big blessing to so many.

So today....if you feel like you only have a little to give....give willingly and joyfully...because through your "little", God can bless many!

"Serve the Lord with gladness..." Psalm 100:2