Sunday, December 9, 2007

Family Resemblance

I love looking at families and seeing how they're alike. Sometimes they all have the same hair color...or the same child may have dad's eyes and another may gesture just like her mother when she speaks. Sometimes people are so much alike that others can look at them and say, "Oh, I can tell he's a 'Smith' or she certainly acts like a 'Rogers'." It's interesting and fun to me to see the characteristics families share with one another

Last night I stopped to pick up a take-out order at a restaurant. As I looked around the room, I noticed two men sitting side by side. They looked similar to one another. I watched them as they talked....studied their faces....several of their features were alike. I concluded that they must be family....brothers, perhaps.

And it made me start thinking about the family of God. There are characteristics and attributes that should mark each of us as members of His family. Jesus was loving, kind, and compassionate. He took time to speak with those who were sick or had been cast out by society. He fed those who were hungry and taught those around Him about God. He was honest, fair, and humble. He always reached out to others.

As members of God's family, we should be living the same way Jesus did. It should be apparent to others by our actions that we are part of His family.

How about you?

When others look at your life can they say, "Oh, I can tell she's a Christian."?

Do you live your life the way Jesus did? Are you doing the things you should be doing as a member of God's family?

.....Can others see the family resemblance in you?

"Live a life filled with love for others, following the example of Christ...."
Eph. 5:2