Saturday, September 22, 2007

Are You Available?

I sat in my car at the intersection waiting for the light to change. I looked to my left and saw an elderly woman standing on the corner. A few seconds later, I looked over and saw a teen-ager, iPod or MP3 player in ear, standing beside the lady. They talked for a moment and then the light changed. The lady and the girl walked side by side slowly....the elderly lady held onto the girl's arm as they made their way across the street. "Funny," I thought. "I didn't think they were together." At least they hadn't arrived at the corner at the same time. I was curious to know if they knew each other or if walking across the street together was something that occurred because they happened to be there at the same time. So I watched to see if they continued to walk together after reaching the other side of the street. When they stepped up on the curb, they said a few words and then they parted company. It appeared that they hadn't known each other at all.

That kind of thing makes me smile. Someone who was available to help another. The teen-ager didn't know she would be asked to help the lady across the street. She was just minding her own business and listening to her music....but she was available when asked to help...available to be a blessing to someone else when called upon.

It's so easy to get caught up in our own world. Life seems to go by entirely too fast sometimes. We have meetings and practices, Bible studies and dinners with friends, theatre and family little time to add something else to our schedules.


when someone needs an arm to steady them....when someone needs help or just needs someone to listen to them....are we available?...or do we try to tiptoe away so we can get on with whatever we're busy doing?

I admit there are times that I've tiptoed quietly (as well as quickly!) away from certain situations because I was eager to get on with my day...but I'm trying to do better.

When you see someone who needs a door held for them at the mall....maybe walk by a person who requires assistance reaching an item on the top shelf.... know that someone could use a listening ear for a few minutes....

....when you see that somebody needs the help and assistance you can provide, do you take the time to stop and help them?

There are people we come into contact with each day that could benefit from a few minutes or even just a few seconds of our time.

....Are you available?