Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thank You

I saw it in her eyes...the look that said, "Here we go again." The look that seemed to be waiting for the condemnation that she must have heard before from others. She had done something years before....something that wasn't the best choice....something that many hadn't let her forget. Sadly, some people in her life had chosen judgment and condemnation over support, love, and restoration. So many times it's easy to point out another's shortcomings and not see our own....or to see our own shortcomings and dismiss them while holding others accountable for what they have done wrong. I had a chance to talk to her....I told her that something she had done had been a blessing to me. I didn't wait for a response. I didn't need one. I only wanted her to know that she had been, and was continuing to be, a blessing in the lives of others. But as I walked away, she stepped over to me, touched my arm, looked me in the eyes and sincerely said, "Thank you for that."

One thing I know for sure is that God is all about forgiveness and restoration....He will forgive anything. All we have to do is ask Him. And there are second, third, chances with Him if you're really seeking to live your life for Him and are sincerely asking for His forgiveness. We all mess up. We all blow it. We all wish, at times, that we had done things differently. But God picks us up, brushes us off, and sends us on our way again. He knew we could never be perfect.

We never know how a word of appreciation or encouragement will touch another. I know that the right words at the right time have been of great encouragement to me at various moments throughout my life. You, too?

If you have the opportunity this week, encourage someone whose path crosses yours.

Your words may be just what their heart is longing to hear at that very moment.

"So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing." 1 Th. 5:11