Sunday, September 9, 2007

Show and Tell

We had Show and Tell in my classroom. Most students brought toys...a couple of students brought books. I smiled inside when I saw the books....I love books. One book was just a nice story that made the student happy. The other was a book of questions and had answers in it to LOTS of questions....all kinds of 'em! One student raised a hand to ask the little girl something....and though I can't recall the exact words to the question, I do remember, clearly, the answer. "Is it special to you?" The little girl replied, "Yes, because it has all the answers." Her words made me smile and I thought, "Wouldn't we all like to get our hands on a book that has ALL the answers?!" I even got up to write down the girl's reply because it made me laugh inside. It was only a little while later that I realized I already have that book.....the one with all the answers. In fact, I actually have quite a few copies of that book. It's called the Bible....and I have some in my car and in my or two go with me when I go on vacation. The Bible is, indeed, filled with answers. I have only to look for them. "What do I do when someone hurts me?" "How will I have the strength to get through this trial?" "What will happen to me when I die?" "Does anybody care?" The list could go on and on. The answers are all there...right in that book that's so special....the Bible.

And as I think of my own Bible, in my mind I hear the question......

"Is it special to you?"

.........And my heart replies, "Yes, because it has all the answers."