Saturday, March 29, 2008

Find Somebody

"Find somebody to help and help them."

Those words went through my mind several times as I walked the streets of New York. I wasn't sure if it was just something that popped in my head or if it was really God telling me to find somebody to help....but I thought about the words as I traveled around the city sight-seeing and taking in shows. I looked around all day long and I didn't see anyone who needed help....until I was walking back to the hotel after seeing a Broadway show. Standing on the sidewalk, suitcase in hand, stood a woman crying. "She looks like she could use some help," I thought...and I decided I would stop and talk to her. It wasn't until I got a little closer that I saw she was on the phone. I didn't want to disturb her phone I reluctantly walked on. As I crossed the street to head to my hotel, the words went through my mind once again. "Find somebody to help and help them." How could I just walk away from someone who so obviously needed help....especially when the thought of helping someone had been going through my mind all day long? I turned around and headed back across the street.

"Excuse me," I said. "Could I help you?" The woman looked at me and gave a half smile. "No. I just missed my train and now I have to stay here until 3:00 a.m." I thought a moment and asked, "If I gave you a little money, would you be able to take a cab and make it to where you could get an earlier train?" The woman smiled a little more and said, "No, that's the first train out." We talked a little longer and then I went on my way. But I felt like I hadn't helped her at all...hadn't done what I had set out to do. The woman was still stuck in the city for several hours.

On the way back to the hotel, I stopped at Starbucks. As I waited for my hot chocolate, I turned to look out the window....and there was the woman walking by, talking on the phone again. But this time she wasn't crying. She looked like anyone else in the city just walking down the street toward her destination.

By seeing her in that very short moment that she walked by, God showed me that we don't always know how we've affected another person. I thought I had failed in helping her. When I walked away from her, I felt I hadn't helped at all. but she did seem like she was feeling better when I saw her as she walked by the window...

Maybe you've tried to help someone, too, and you feel you've failed. Keep doing all you can do and let God do the rest. You may not see an outward may never know on this side of heaven how your words or your kindness helped another.

But keep doing good to all those you meet.

And trust God to touch the hearts and lives of all those you try to help.
