Saturday, March 8, 2008

Typoes! (Smile!)

I went to the dentist the other day. Not my idea of fun, but it has to be done sometimes. I was having some old fillings removed and new ones put in....all without Novocain. (Before you say anything, having that done without your mouth being numb is definitely not something I recommend for everyone!! The dentist even used the word "surgery" when he was talking to me about the procedure. Surgery without being numb....all I can say is, "Ouch!")

Anyway, I had written to a friend earlier in the day to tell her what I was having done. But as I wrote, I made a typo....I wrote about my old "feelings" being pulled out!! (Smile!) I caught the mistake before I sent it, but I decided to leave it in because I thought it was funny!

Later, I thought about what I had mistakenly typed....old feelings being pulled out. And I realized that I do actually have some old feelings that need to be pulled out from time to time. I bet you do, too.

Sometimes, don't we need our old feeling of anger replaced with a new feeling of forgiveness? Anybody need a new feeling of patience for impatience? Love for hate? Joy for sorrow? Caring for indifference? I could go on and on, but you get the picture.

Sometimes we need to let God do some "surgery" inside our hearts and replace some of our old feelings with new ones.

(And we don't even need any Novocain for that!!)

"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you..." Ez. 36:26