Friday, July 20, 2007


Ever wanted to go back and change things? Press "rewind" and start a day fresh and new? Shout, "Do over!" like we used to do when playing childhood games?

I have. Sigh.

I messed something up. It was my fault. No one to blame but myself.
...And now I'm feeling kinda crummy.....

But the thing I'm thankful for...the thing I know without a that God loves me and He's with me....and no matter how much I mess up, He'll always be there for me. THAT gives me comfort....even now, when I should have done things differently....and when I long to go back and do things over again....I can count on God to listen to me as I pour out my hurt, to bind up my wounded heart, and to send me on my way, comforted, and with my hand safely in His.

"...casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." 1 Pet. 5:7