Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Real Thing

I love genuine know, the ones who are "real". The people who behave the same way with one group as they do with another....who act in private just as they do when they're out in the world among many. I love people who aren't afraid to just be themselves and act silly, laugh about embarrassing things that have happened to them, and openly reach out and love others.

Oh, I know there is a time and a place for acting "dignified" and putting your best foot forward, but even in those situations, genuine people are able to remain "real" to retain that sense of being "down-to-earth" and approachable. They don't think of themselves as better than others. They know we're all in this life together and they try to help others and make their burdens lighter.

Yes, I love genuine people.

I pray to be one of 'em.